靜宜慶甲子 - 靜宜學訊







In 2016, it will be 95 years since the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana in the USA launched its educational efforts in Kaifeng, Honan Province, China, and it will be six decades since the founding of Providence English College in Taichung, Taiwan, which expanded into the full-fledged Providence University of today.

In these sixty years, many transformations have taken place in the social and political landscapes, from imposing to lifting martial law, trains to high-speed rails, newspapers to the internet. Educational changes as when compulsory education was extended from six to twelve years, when keyboards replaced pens, and only the images of past practices and old technologies tell the story of times passed.

This appointment diary takes time as its axis, beginning with the departure of Sisters of Providence to China. The black-and-white photos may seem aged and even unfamiliar, but the spirit of the dynamic young women is familiar even today. In the years of conservative era, sports and clubs were already popular activities in Providence College, and having violin lessons in music class is enviable in today's curriculum. The antique-looking teaching equipment seems interesting today. Times have changed, but the passion remains. The co-educational campus has made it even more vibrant; advanced technologies have changed teaching techniques. What remains the same is the stature of Providence University. 

With one photo per week, 95 years of dedication in education is condensed into a book of memory. Imprinted in the Providence stories is the youth once familiar to us all. Youth, yesterday and always, is the carefree smile and enthusiastic passion. Had time not reminded us, we remain 20.

It is a blessing to be able to freeze the passage of history with photography. Sixty photos provide the witness of the sixtieth anniversary of Providence University. The sixty years of dedication were never easy; however, we shall carry on, in the name of Love.
